SFF or Finance Iceland represent financial companies in Iceland, including universal banks, investment banks, savings banks, insurance companies, leasing companies, securities companies and card companies.

About us
SFF´s objectives are to promote a competitive operating environment for financial companies in Iceland and promote their interests internationally as well as to increase understanding of financial companies for the Icelandic economy.
Within the industry SFF takes on tasks and co-ordinates efforts as regards issues that need to be addressed and where the member companies are legally allowed to co-operate. Via its efforts SFF strives for enabling its members to serve their customers in the best possible way.
SFF is a member of the European Banking Federation and Insurance Europe.
Membership of SFF involves direct membership of the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA). SA negotiates collective bargaining agreements on behalf of SFF’s member companies. SA as the umbrella organization of the business sectors association in Iceland, with over 2000 member companies, has also the role to be the general advocate for an internationally competitive legal and regulatory environment for all businesses in the country. SA is a member of Business Europe.

Gústaf Steingrímsson

Heiðrún Jónsdóttir

Ingvar Haraldsson

Jóna Björk Guðnadóttir

Kristín Lúðvíksdóttir